

This is me heading my way to 5th period. I walk down to a class near staircase Z and sit down for AP Physics with Ms. Smit. We take a lot of notes and usually by the end of the period I have 2-3 new pages of writing.



After cross country practice one day I hung out with some friends on Lane’s lawn. The sun was setting and I thought it looked really pretty outside. After a while we all decided to just lie down and relax, enjoying the last bits of warm weather we had left.



During my 3rd period, I have Italian 3 with Mrs. Tacke. Usually at the beginning of class, she talks from the front of the class and and moves towards the back. As her discussion goes on, it’s not unusual for a few students to start to daydream or even drift off into sleep, most likely due to the fact that it’s still early in the day.



Lane has a huge high school campus. Because of this, there is actually wildlife surrounding it, such as squirrels, rabbits, and in this case, geese. During the fall, the geese roam Lane’s campus and you run into them constantly, especially when you’re on the lawn near doors A and O.



After school one day my friend Filip pulled out a frisbee from his backpack, which isn’t unusual to me anymore, and we all started messing around with it, both passing it and trying to hit each other. We all pretend like we know what we’re doing when we throw it, but I kind of doubt that we do 80% of the time. In all honesty, we’re not a serious group of people.


Dawoud Bey Project




Original Photo


AlexTellezDiptychQuote Project
Edits: Brightness/Contrast, Saturation, Deep Blue Filter, Yellow Filter
30 Photos

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